Headquarters and industrial site
Route de Bordeaux
47700 Casteljaloux
Commercial office
18-22 rue Marius Aufan
92300 Levallois-Perret
Market Authorization (MA) is a major step in the commercialization of medicines. This authorization ensures the safety, efficacy, and quality of medicines made available to consumers.
Market Authorization (MA) is a major step in the commercialization of medicines. This authorization ensures the safety, efficacy, and quality of medicines made available to consumers.
In this article, you will find detailed information on the regulations, criteria for MA, and the steps involved in the MA procedure.
MA is an official authorization granted to any pharmaceutical company by the regulatory authorities of the country, allowing the commercialization of a medicine.
Pharmaceutical MA ensures that the medicine meets the necessary safety, efficacy, and quality criteria to protect patients. It requires a strict and precise market authorization procedure, consisting of successive steps that determine the time it takes to bring a medicine to market.
Based on the assessment of the benefit/risk ratio, MA plays an essential role in public health by ensuring that medicines are reliable and comply with pharmaceutical regulations.
The main regulatory bodies that issue marketing authorizations for drugs are:
The Marketing Authorization of a medication is granted based on the evaluation of the benefit/risk balance of the concerned medication. This balance relies on the consideration of various criteria, including:
The manufacture of the primary pharmaceutical packaging must meet the requirements of the MA. To find out more about primary pharmaceutical packaging, explore our complete guide.
The standards and requirements for obtaining Marketing Authorization (MA) can vary by country, but they generally include rigorous clinical trials, strict quality controls, and detailed documentation with the compilation of a Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) dossier.
To obtain Marketing Authorization (MA), the pharmaceutical company must compile and submit a Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) dossier to the relevant authorities containing:
Drugs intended to be marketed in the member countries of the European Union are subject to a “centralized” marketing authorization (MA) procedure with the EMA. The centralized MA is the most commonly used procedure compared to the more limited application of national MA procedures.
The Temporary Authorization for Use is an exceptional measure applied in certain circumstances. It is a French compassionate program allowing the use of drugs before their marketing authorization (MA).
It allows the availability of drugs before their commercialization, to meet a public health need for a limited period.
The drug is exclusively provided to patients with serious or rare diseases who have no other treatment options available, by specialist doctors in a hospital setting.
At SFAM, our double-tipped glass oral ampoules are designed to comply with pharmaceutical regulations, and ensure all quality and safety standards required during the marketing authorization applications for medications.
Our double-tipped ampoules are manufactured according to high-quality standards, including ISO 9001 and ISO 15378 standards.
Last but not least, during their production, rigorous quality controls ensure their safety and compliance.