Legal notice

Site editor

SFAM with capital of € 376,700.00
Headquarters: route de Bordeaux, 47700 Casteljaloux, FRANCE
RCS AGEN B 016 380 081

Customer service

By phone: +33 (0) 5 53 93 02 40
By email:

Graphic creation


Web development


Web hosting

Site hosted in France by OVH SAS with capital of € 10,069,020 RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045 Code APE 2620Z VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419 Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Personal data

As part of its activity, SFAM collects and processes information, some of which is qualified as “personal data”.

The purpose of this document is therefore to inform you about the way in which the data that you transmit to us when you visit our site or during the exchange via the contact form are collected and used in accordance with the applicable regulations (Law n ° 78 -17 relating to computers, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004 and the general regulation on the protection of personal data (RGPD) n ° (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016).

Use of data

SFAM collects two types of data on the site

  • Data transmitted directly: this is the personal information collected by the contact form which is used for the purpose of contacting a user as part of a request made by the latter.
  • Data collected automatically: this is the data collected via cookies to collect statistics anonymously (by recording anonymous IP addresses) by Google Analytics. These results ultimately improve the browsing experience.

All of this personal data is only collected after mandatory user consent. This consent is validly collected by means of unequivocal buttons or check boxes.

These personal data are reserved for the internal use of our company: they will never be transferred to a third party or used for purposes other than those detailed above. Each user has the right to consult, modify or delete all of their personal data.

To contact us about the use of your personal data:
+33 (0)5 53 93 02 40


Details of cookies used on this site: Google Analytics cookies for website statistics.

Intellectual property

All of the editing of our sites, trademarks, logos, designs, models and videos as well as infographic content are the exclusive property of SFAM. The website(s) in their content, their graphic charts, their tree structures, the specific utilities and software developed and any distinctive sign are protected and may not be reproduced, modified or counterfeited according to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. The alteration of this intellectual property would lead to prosecution before the competent courts in matters of violation of this property.